The World’s Only Universal Steel Frame Building Kit
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Contemporary Series Info

Contemporary Series Info

Contemporary Series Barndominium
Contemporary Series Modern Barndominium
Are you looking for a more modern style for your Barndominium? Perhaps something that does not fit the norm of a traditional looking Barndominium? We have a trusted and very experienced building designer with 42 yrs. of building design experience to help you from the planning stages to development of your project.
The designs include, remodeling and new construction of custom homes and commercial projects, custom residential buildings, beach houses, barndominiums , retail/shopping centers, small office buildings, banks, mini-control warehouses, industrial, interior space planning, golf club facilities, fire stations, private schools, daycare centers, restaurants, auto shops, medical facilities, and other light commercial project types. If you have a design need for your project, include your contact information or give us a call and let us provide you with our many years of expertise.
Modern Style Barndominium Option